Social Stock Exchange

Social Stock Exchange, India

Hon'ble Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman as part of the Budget Speech for FY 2019-20 proposed the idea of an electronic fund-raising platform "Social Stock Exchange", under the regulatory ambit of SEBI for listing social enterprises and voluntary organizations working for the realization of a social welfare objective so that they can raise capital as equity, debt or as units like a mutual fund.

Objectives of the Social Stock Exchange:

  • Regulated platform that brings together social enterprises and donors
  • Facilitate funding and growth of social enterprises
  • Enabling mechanism to ensure robust standards of social impact and financial reporting

Latha Suresh and Marie Banu of SAN INDIA have played a proactive role in the Social Stock Exchange sub-committee and actively contributed to the development of reporting templates for Social Enterprises who work in Social, Environment and Cultural sectors. These templates would facilitate NGOs in providing comprehensive reports to their funders.

Further, Latha Suresh has been appointed as a resource person for the National Institute of Securities Markets. In this capacity, she has been instrumental in revising the resource material for the Social Auditor Examination conducted by NISM.

To register your organisation on any of the exchanges, visit the links below.

NSE Website Link:

BSE Website Link:


Here are resources to help you register/ list on the SSE at BSE/ NSE:





Corporate Foundations


CSR Projects


Social Enterprises Audited


Social Auditors/Social Impact Practitioners Trained


Master Classes/ Trainings Conducted

Do you want to conduct social audit for your organisation?

Do you want to become a certified Social Auditor?